Tony ZancanellaTony Zancanella is a Civil Engineer who specializes in Water Resource Engineering. He has worked with Zancanella and Associates, Inc. Engineering Consultants since 2005. He presently serves as a design engineer.

Tonyâ’s expertise lies in the areas of hydrology, hydraulics, water rights and permitting, water supply and delivery, water quality, potable water distribution systems, wastewater collection, water reuse/reclamation, and groundwater, as well as control and automation systems.

Tony earned his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. He is registered by the Colorado Operators Certification Board as Class B Water, Class B Wastewater Operator, Class II Collections Operator, Class I Distribution Operator, Class C Industrial Wastewater Operator.

Tony lives in Glenwood Springs with his wife Natalie and their daughters and when he is not in the office he can usually be found on the Flattops in the summer in his ranger or on a snowmobile in the winter.

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